Your Pandemic Reading List!

What a strange and uncertain time that we're in right now! I can think of no other time that the entire country has been shut down and we're all using the new term "social distancing". Well, in the words of Michael Hyatt (one of my favorite leadership go to guys), "what does this make possible?". 

Y'all know that I love to read and am like the Johnny Appleseed of books, always giving them away and recommending them to others. But one of the most common things I hear is "I'd love to read but I just don't have time". So guess what? Everyone now has more time! Rather than use all of your #corona time to binge and chill, I encourage you to take just a few minutes every day toward your own development. If the thought of cracking open a 300 page business book is too daunting, just start small. Set a timer and read for 30 minutes. Or just read 10 pages a day. In a month you'll have read the whole thing. Boom! A win!


Ty's recommendations in Business/Development:

Ty's recommendations in fiction/fun/suspense/drama:

Ty's recommendations in biographies/real life:

And here's what's currently on my nightstand. I'll let you know how I like these:

Ty's tips:

  • There's no prize for slogging through a book you hate. If you don't love it then it’s ok to put it down and try another.

  • There's also no prize for only reading high brow literature or the latest academic research. Give your brain a break and pick something fun. I like to have both a non-fiction and fiction book going at the same time.

  • E-readers count, as do audible books. Magazines count. Blog posts count. It all counts.

  • I hate spending money on a dud book. So I don't. I get the vast majority of books from my library (physical and e-copies). If they don't have it they will order it for you. What a tremendous and under appreciated service! Only if I really like a book will I buy a physical copy.

  • I like to track what I've read and do reading challenges (#booknerd). I love the Goodreads app for this, and we can be friends on it! 

Let me know what you are reading! I love finding new great reads.